J.S.Bach, J.Сh.Bach, Ch.Th.Pachelbel, H.Schütz, A.Vivaldi, G.F.Handel
To the 85th anniversary of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society
Honored collective of the Republic of Belarus
State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus
Artistic director and conductor – Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Mikhailova
Soloists – Veronika Chernyavskaya soprano
Arina Alekseeva soprano
Pavel Kudrin flute
Nikita Kravets cello
Varvara Tsaryuk harpsichord
Maria Limorova harpsichord
Ivan Finskiy piano
A concert in one department, there is a photo zone, there will be a draw of CDs with audio recordings of the State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus.