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 Year of Improvement

“Music parlour”: to the 80th anniversary since the birth of Valery Gavrilin

Date: 13.11.2019 beginning at 19:00
Category: Vocal

“Music parlour”

Artistic director – Tatiana Starchenko


To the 80th anniversary since the birth of VALERY GAVRILIN



Performers – soloists of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus

Tatiana Petrova soprano

Natalia Akinina mezzo-soprano


Tatiana Starchenko piano

Marina Romeyko  piano


Program: vocal cycle “Little Evening “, romances, songs, fragments from the ballet “Aniuta”

«Музыкальная гостиная»: к 80-летию композитора Валерия Гаврилина