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Booking tickets
 Year of Improvement

“Easy breath of the melodies”

Date: 30.11.2017 beginning at 19:00
Category: Vocal

The concert of the vocal music

“Easy breath of the melodies”

The soloist of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society

Laureate of the international competitions

Anna Yankovskaya

Pianoforte part – Sergey Voinitski

At the concert take part:

Laureate of the national competitions Vladislav Danilovich baritone

Laureate of the international competitions Ekaterina Yukhnova cymbals

Anatoliy Teltsov accordion

Musicologist – Olga Brilon

J. Strauss, I. Dunaevsky, Y. Semenyako, D.Lukas, A.Kos-Anatolsky

“Easy breath of the melodies”