Сoncert in memory of Miron Ivanovich Bula
The concert features M.I.Bula’s colleagues and students of different years:
Svetlana Belskaya
Denis Cherny
Sergey Butor
Victoria Zhdanovich
Alexandra Tuzhikova
Roman Atrashkevich
Kirill Mezgov
Alexander Ermakov
Denis Lobkov
Ekaterina Shekordo
Duet “Impromptu”: Olga Artimovich and Svetlana Shushko
Duet of accordionists Kirill Zabelich and Andrey Konoplev
Trio of accordionists of the Pinsk College of Arts
Director – Valery Komissarchuk
Ensemble “Fireworks” of the Baranovichi State Music College
Director – Alexander Titovich
Orchestra “The Enchanted Carousel” of the Children’s Musical Arts School No.8 named after G.R.Shirma of Minsk
Conductor – Alexey Cherepko
Host – Alexandra Tuzhikova