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 Year of Improvement

“Restless Heart”: concert on the 85th anniversary of the composer, People’s Artist of the USSR Igor Luchenok

Date: 27.09.2023 beginning at 19:00
Category: Popular music

Concert on the 85th anniversary of the composer, People’s Artist of the USSR Igor Luchenok


National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.I.Zhinovich

People’s Artist of Belarus Vladimir Provalinsky

Sergei Medvedev

Andrei Kolosov

Tatiana Trukhan

Elena Protsko

Olga Romanenko

Stefan and Lev Kazakevich

Igor Zadorozhny

Anastasia Rachitskaya

Vyacheslav Isachenko

Tariel Maisuradze

Bogdan Mishkin

Evgeny Dolich

Evgeny Otto

Honored amateur group of the Republic of Belarus

Exemplary Song Theater “Syabrynka”

Artistic Director – Tatiana Trukhan

Conductor – Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Kremko

Project author, presenter – Olga Brilon

“Restless Heart”: concert on the 85th anniversary of the composer, People’s Artist of the USSR Igor Luchenok