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 Year of Improvement

“Lilac Branch”: Lyudmila Karpuk (soprano), Yulia Arkhangelskaya (piano)

Date: 15.02.2024 beginning at 19:00
Category: Chamber music

вокальная и фортепианная музыка Сергея Рахманинова


In the midst of the winter cold, we invite you to warm yourself up with the warmth and love of the beautiful romances of Sergei Rachmaninov, which will be performed in the program of the concert “Lilac Branch”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great composer. Over the course of 30 years of creativity, the romance genre has captivated the musician’s imagination, allowing him to look into the most hidden corners of the human soul, to seek and find all the necessary means of musical expression to embody a variety of exciting feelings. Emotional depth, a wide range of moods, beautiful and at the same time simple melodies give special beauty and freshness to Rachmaninov’s romances. In his vocal work, the composer turns not only to the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Fet, Heine, Tyutchev, but also to the texts of little-known authors, which, thanks to the brilliant music, acquire depth and originality.

The piano part in these works cannot be called an accompaniment – the excellent pianist gave his favorite instrument an important semantic role, revealing the subtext and emotional and psychological side of the content. Voice and piano play an equally important role in Rachmaninov’s romances, forming a vocal-instrumental duet.

The concert program will feature the most popular romances, masterpieces of vocal creativity, including “Lilac”, “At My Window”, “How It Hurts Me”, “I’m Waiting for You”, “It’s Good Here”, “Spring Waters” and many others. Between the vocal numbers you will be delighted by the most soulful piano works by S.Rachmaninov.

Performers: Grand Prix and laureates of international competitions Lyudmila Karpuk (soprano) and Yulia Arkhangelskaya (piano).


«Ветка сирени»: Людмила Карпук (сопрано), Юлия Архангельская (фортепиано)