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 Year of Improvement

"BEL-LA-ITALIA": The anniversary concert in the year of Italian culture in Belarus

Date: 05.12.2017 beginning at 19:00
Category: Vocal

The anniversary concert

in the year of Italian culture in Belarus

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the establishment

Belarusian-Italian diplomatic relations


Symphony Orchestra "Capella Academia"

Honored collective of the Republic of Belarus

The State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus -

Conductor - honored artist of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Mikhailova

Author of the project and conductor

Laureate of the international competitions

Alexey Frolov

Soloists are laureates of international competitions

Tatiana Gavrilova soprano

Natalia Akinina mezzo-soprano

Alexander Mihniuk tenor

Ilya Silchukov baritone

The premier of the archival find J. Albertini’s musical works

The works of V. Galilei, J. Gabrieli, C. Monteverdi, G. Pergolesi, A. Vivaldi, J. Rossini, G. Verdi and others.

"BEL-LA-ITALIA": Юбилейный концерт в год итальянской культуры в Беларуси